Monday, 14 November 2016

Group Meeting Minutes.

Before the group had decided on a Project Proposal, the team held a meeting to discuss whose idea was the most genuine idea. Here's the meeting minutes:

Team C.I.A

Meeting Minutes

September 29, 2016

I.      Call to order

Chris called to order the regular meeting of Team C.I.A at 1400 on September 29, 2016 at AP-S31C.

II.      Roll call

Abiali conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Chris, Abiali, Ike

III.      Agenda Rising

a) To discuss topics for the next big project.
b) Deadlines to adhere.

IV.      Discussion

Chris – Chris mentioned on the need for more sustainable buildings due to the massive pollution. Thus, we need to reduce the usage of fossil fuels and have a more environmentally approach such as using windmills to produce electricity. He felt that the team could come out with more ways for sustainable solutions for buildings in Singapore such as solar power or even turbines. It would not only benefit us, but for the future generations. However, all these comes at a heavy price.

Abiali – In the north-south-east-west lines, train announcements are not made in a systematic way. The announcements are not in sync to the location of the train. For an example, when the train leaves station A for station B, the timer of the announcement starts. The timer will continue although the train has stopped in between 2 stations due to unknown events. Thus, the announcements are not accurate and may cause confusion among the commuters. He felt that the team could come out with a sensor to be placed on the track and on trains. When only the sensor on the track senses the sensor on train, the announcement will then start. In this way, the announcement will be more accurate and create lesser confusion among the commuters especially the tourist. However, the implementation of the sensor would be expensive and more manpower would be needed for maintenance needs.

Ike – Modern buildings in Singapore, tanks are placed on buildings to provide water for everyday usage. However, when maintenance/inspection is needed to be done, a partition would be placed in the tank. The partition would close half the water tank which would be needed for maintenance. Thus, only the other half of the water tank would provide water for the residence in the building. As this process is being repeated, the partition will start to deteriorate. Thus, causing water contamination. The team came out with an idea such that it will solve the problem of contamination. The water tank will be split into 2. In this way, when maintenance needs to be done, just close 1 of the water tank. The other water tank will provide water for the residence in the building. This will cause no leakage and contamination. However, by splitting into 2 tanks, more space would be needed in this space constrained land.

Conclusion – In conclusion, the team has decided to choose Ike’s idea as it creates an impact on our everyday life. It will not create any water contamination or disruption to our everyday water usage. Chris idea was good, however, the scale of the idea is too big and also there are too many companies solving this major problem. Abiali idea was good. However, it was a minor issue which does not create a massive impact for commuters on the train.

V.      Adjournment

Chris adjourned the meeting at 1500.
Minutes submitted by:  Abiali, Ike
Minutes approved by:  Chris

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